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Welcome to Mikomos, the directory of dating spots that anyone can edit. There are now 1085 mikomos.[refresh] [Add mine!]
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Mikomos News
- March 12, 2025 - Upgrade in progress. Hang in there.
- March 11, 2021 - Legends never die! Mikomos will stay up for the time being. Updates coming soon.
- February 22, 2021 - It's been a great run! Mikomos has been around for over 13 years and has certainly helped with many, many shidduchim over that time. It was always here as a chessed and never as a money-making project. So it was always our intention to keep it around until there was something better - a site that is at least as helpful and isn't overly commercialized. It seems to us that these sites must now exist. Mikomos visits have dropped sharply in recent times. Certainly, the coronavirus plays a big role in this, but the truth is that traffic has been trending downward since 2016. It looks like there are some decent sites out there that people are finding to be more useful. Which is great! Some of these sites either take (ahem) direct inspiration from Mikomos or indirect inspiration. And that's actually something we can be proud of. Mikomos will always be the first major Kosher dating spots directory and it lives on in other sites that have taken its place. We believe that Mikomos has fulfilled its mission, and it's time for it to go. Feel free to leave any memories here. Take one last look, shed a tear or two and say goodbye. It will be gone in around 3 weeks. Thanks to all who have contributed to the Mikomos project. You've done a great service for everyone!
After 13 years of shakla v'tarya, Tosfos has finally reached a maskana. (mic drop) --Tosfos (talk) 13:31, February 22, 2021 (EST)
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All the mikomos of this site were contributed by people like you. Add your favorite makom to our growing directory and help the many Mikomos users find great places to date! It's easy and there's no way you can "mess up."