Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve
- Address
- 15101 Lancaster Road
- Lancaster, CA 93536
- Phone
- 661-724-1180
- Area
- Neighborhood
- North of Los Angeles
- Price
- $5 to park
- Web Page
Type of Makom
- Parks Type
- Garden
Semi-useful stuff
Mikomos rating
Only blooms Mid-March to Mid-May, over 1,000 acres of California Poppies. Lots of hiking trails.
From Wikipedia: The Antelope Valley California Poppy State Reserve is a state-protected reserve land located in the rural westside of the Antelope Valley in northern Los Angeles County, 15 miles (24 km) west of Lancaster. The reserve is at an elevation ranging from 2600 to 3000 feet above sea level in the Mojave Desert climate zone. The reserve is administered by California State Parks. The area is one of the state's most consistent poppy-bearing lands. Other wildflowers within the reserve include the owl's clover, lupine, goldfields, cream cups and coreopsis.
The intense blooming season for the California poppy falls usually within late winter to early spring, during the months of mid-February through mid-May. Blooming seasons are dependent on the amount of rainfall during the winter to early spring seasons. Within the reserve, there are seven miles (10 km) of trails, including a paved section for wheelchair access, which traverse through the poppy fields. [1]
- Check the website to see if the flowers are blooming.
- It's very windy! Bring a kite.