Federal Reserve Bank of New York

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Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Goldvault nyc.jpg

Gold Vault
33 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10045 
(212) 720-6130
Financial District
Web Page
http://www.newyorkfed.org/aboutthefed/ny tours.html

Type of Makom

Museums Type
Museums Type
History museum

Semi-useful stuff

Mikomos rating

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The Gold Vault The Federal Reserve Bank of New York maintains a vault that lies 80 feet (24 m) below street level, resting on Manhattan bedrock. By 1927, the vault contained ten percent of the world's official gold reserves. Currently, it is reputedly the largest gold repository in the world (though this cannot be confirmed as Swiss Banks do not report their gold stocks) and holds approximately 5,000 metric tons of gold bullion ($160 billion as of March 2008), more than Fort Knox. The gold is owned by many foreign nations, central banks and international organizations. The Federal Reserve Bank does not own the gold but serves as guardian of the precious metal, which it protects at no charge as a gesture of goodwill to other nations. [1]

The Fed’s vault contains billions of dollars worth of gold. Learn about the history of gold and find out about the unique role of the New York Fed in storing and safeguarding the precious metal.

This exhibit, co-sponsored by the American Numismatic Society, marks the first time that the Society's most valuable coins and medals have been brought together for the public to view. On display at the Fed are more than 800 examples from the Society's noted collection of one million forms of currency used worldwide and spanning three millennia of history.


  • Since each tour of the Gold Vault requires a reservation nearly two months in advance, this is really only useful for long term dating.
  • While impressive, only the lobby of The Gold Vault is open to visitors, and only a small amount of gold can be seen.
  • The self-guided tour has exhibits on the financial system as well as coins dating to the 4th century B.C.E. Reservations are not required for this exhibit, although they are suggested.
  • A Government-issued ID is required for access to the building; a drivers license or passport will suffice.

Hours Subject to change. Always verify.

9:30 AM to 5:00 PM

