GM Renaissance Center

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GM Renaissance Center

GM Renaissance Center from below.jpg

100 Renaissance Center
Detroit, MI 48243 
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The Renaissance Center, nicknamed the RenCen, is a group of seven interconnected skyscrapers. The central tower is the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, the tallest all-hotel skyscaper in the Western Hemisphere. A portion of the central atrium area houses "GM World", a show case for GM vehicles. It includes multiple Lounges, such as the lounge in the Marriott, the GM Wintergarden - a tropical atrium overlooking the Detroit River, and the GM Lobby and Pavilion - the glass-and-steel Jefferson Plaza entrance. Additionally, the Rensen Center contains the GMnext Showroom - an eclectic display of vintage, new model and concept vehicles, the GM Collection - a unique collection of GM souvenirs and historical books, the "Borealis" Glass Sculpture - the tallest vertical glass sculpture in the world, and Ren Cen Shops - a showcase of boutique shopping unique to Detroit. The Riverfront Plaza and Promenade features a world map carved in granite, and Coach Insignia

is the largest rooftop restaurant.