George Washington Bridge Walkway

From Mikomos Wiki
George Washington Bridge Walkway
Hudson Terrace
Fort Lee, NJ 07024 
North Jersey
Web Page

Semi-useful stuff

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(one vote)


You can take a beautiful walk across the GWB


  • If you are coming from NJ you can park your car in the municipal lots in Fort Lee (it's a couple of blocks from the bridge)
  • If you walk the entire way across it can be tiring
  • Make sure no one's scared of heights
  • It can be very windy up there
  • It can be combined with the Fort Lee park at the bottom of the NJ side


In New Jersey, the entrances to the north and south sidewalks are located on Hudson Terrace in Fort Lee.

From the intersection of Lemoine Avenue and Bruce Reynolds Blvd. (Bridge Plaza South), Hudson Terrace can be reached by proceeding east on Bruce Reynolds Blvd. (toward the bridge). Hudson Terrace is the cross street at the "T" intersection at the end of Bruce Reynolds Boulevard. Cross Hudson Terrace at this intersection, make a left and proceed north. Go about two blocks, and you will find the entrance ramp to the south sidewalk on your right (before the overpass that leads to the bridge). The entrance ramp to the north sidewalk is on the other side of the bridge overpass.