Glen Cove Mansion

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Glen Cove Mansion
200 Dosoris Lane
Glen Cove, NY 11542 
Web Page

Type of Makom

Games Type
Lounges Type
Hotel lobby

Semi-useful stuff

Mikomos rating

(one vote)


Former home of Charles Pratt [1]

Beautiful hotel with a bar/lounge. Additionally there are pool tables, a foosball table, a shuffleboard table, and a ping pong table.


  • The "pub" (bar/lounge area) is on the 3rd floor of the hotel. Go up the flight of stairs by the entrance of the hotel and there will be a sign for the pub leading up another flight of stairs.
  • There are 2 pool tables and a foosball table in a room to the left of the pub. There is a shuffleboard table in a room to the right of the pub. The main area of the pub has a lot of very comfortable and fancy chairs and couches.
  • There is a ping pong table in the recreation room of the hotel. There no longer is a piano.
  • There is a nice lounge next to the recreation room as well.
  • Users report that the recreation area is for hotel guests only. If true, using it without permission renders you a gazlan, which may not be precisely the impression you're going for.