Holiday Inn Downtown Brooklyn

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Holiday Inn Downtown Brooklyn
300 Schermerhorn St
Brooklyn, NY 11217 
(718) 624-2211
Web Page u=1&icdv=99504425&sicreative=98107178068&siclientid=9947&sitrackingid=918121985&glat=SEAR&dp=true&icdv=99504425

Semi-useful stuff

Mikomos rating

(one vote)


I found this hotel when my GPS couldn't get me to the Sheraton; it's a wonder that no one seems to know about it, as it seems to be a great alternative to Manhattan hotels. The lobby is beautifully decorated, and I didn't encounter any trouble from the staff. The theme of the lounge seems to be literature, with old classic books lining the walls.

Update: Someone was told by the front desk that He cannot "hang around the lounge" if he is not a guest at the hotel (they had to go somewhere else).

Update 2018: Was turned away when I walked in, told that the lounge is only for people staying in the hotel.


When you come in, the lounge is to your right. There is a T.V. in the left end of the lounge, but it was not loud at all, and if you sit on the other side, you can avoid it. Drinks are available in a refrigerated stand before you enter the lounge by the check-in counter. The lounge has a glass ceiling for a "green house" look, which may feel hotter on a sunny day.