How to choose a good makom
From Mikomos Wiki
- Malls tend to close earlier on Sunday's
- It might be better to go to a fleishig restaurant if you are going just for dessert in case someone is fleishig
- Arcade places could be crowded during the weekends.
- If you are gong out during a typical meal time period (i.e. 11:00 a.m. - 2 p.m. for lunch; 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. for dinner), it may be appropriate to stop somewhere for at least a small bite to eat.
- Museums typically take two to three hours to walk through. Of course, some museums are bigger than others and will take longer; others are smaller than average and will take shorter.
- It could be embarrassing to eat out at a restaurant close to the Jewish community that one of the parties is from. If someone is living in the Far Rockaway/ Five Towns area, it is likely to bump into someone either of you know. In the New York region, it is easier to avoid this problem due to the vast amounts of restaurants in many different communities. However, in smaller or mid-sized communities, it is a more difficult to accomplish this.
- If someone is from Baltimore, Maryland, try eating out in Washington, DC.
- If someone is from the valley in Los Angeles, try eating out in the city, and vice versa.
- Restaurants can get crowded on weekends and legal holidays. Make sure to make a reservation, or avoid the middle of the lunch and supper hours.