Ikea in Canton, MI
- Address
- 41640 Ford Road
- Canton, MI 48187
- Phone
- 734-981-6300
- Area
- Neighborhood
- Price
- Free
- Web Page
- http://www.ikea.com/us/en/store/canton/
Semi-useful stuff
Mikomos rating
Ikea is a store where they sell things for the home; couches, beds, counters, tables, chairs, eating finery... and everything and anything to go in a bedroom, kitchen, dinning room, study... they have two levels. On the upper level they display everything they have in funky cute ways, like they will make a miniature bedroom, with the actual linen they sell, objects for a bedroom scattered all around... they have kitchens were you can open draws and things are in them. You can sit on the couches, or by the tables. They have a restaurant on the upper level too, so you can by drinks. This is a really big place! They don't just have one bedroom, one kitchen, one study... they have 5-10 styles of each. On the lower level is where you can actually buy the things you liked in the display upper level. It's different from just sitting in hotels.
Hours Subject to change. Always verify.
Store Hours: Daily: 10:00am-9:00pm
Restaurant Hours:
Daily: 9:30am-8:00pm