JSPCA adoption day

From Mikomos Wiki


Makom Liberty Bell garden
Start date June 5, 2009
End date June 5, 2009
Phone 054-770-0225
Web Page http://www.jspca.org.il
Event Type Other
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There will be a JSPCA adoption day (dogs and cats) this Friday, June 5th, between

12 pm (noon) and 3 pm.

The Adoption day will be in Liberty Bell Garden, near the gas station.

For more information, call Chedva at 054-770-0225.

You can also come to our shelter in Atarot every day by arrangement with Chaya by calling 054-770-0221.

You can look at some of our dogs at www.jspca.org.il


12 Noon to 3 pm