Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge

From Mikomos Wiki
Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
Broad Channel
New York, NY 11693 
Far Rockaway
Web Page

Semi-useful stuff

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The Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge -- part of Gateway National Recreation Area -- is the only wildlife refuge in the National Park system and it's in Queens and Brooklyn. More than 325 bird species, nearly half of the species in the Northeast, have been sighted at the refuge over the last 25 years. It is the largest bird sanctuary in the Northeastern United States and the best place in New York City to observe migrating birds.

Encompassing 9,155 acres, the refuge's diverse habitats include salt marsh, upland field and woods, several fresh and brackish water ponds and an open expanse of bay. Home to opossum, bats, jackrabbit, muskrat and chipmunk, its territory also serves as a breeding ground for local turtle species. Trails include benches in prime viewing spots. [1]

What to do

Bird-watching, hiking, fishing and interpretive tours. Information and trail guides are available at the Visitor Contact Station. Bring binoculars to get better views of the birds. [2]


  • There are trails on both sides of the road.
  • Consider issues of Yichud.
  • The adjacent neighborhood of Broad Channel is interesting for its houses built near the water.