Lasker Rink in Central Park

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Lasker Rink in Central Park

Lasker rink pool high jeh.jpg

110th Street & Lenox Avenue
New York, NY 10026 
Upper West Side
Web Page lasker.htm

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Lasker Rink, built in the 1960s, is located in Central Park in the New York City borough of Manhattan, just south of the 110th Street entrance between 106th and 108th Street at the northern part of the park. It lies between Harlem Meer and the East Drive.

Lasker is used as a swimming pool in the summer and a hockey rink during the winter. In the winter, Lasker rink is open from October through March. [1]


  • Lasker is known by New Yorkers as less crowded and more economical than Wollman Rink. [2]


By Subway
2, 3 to 110th Street & Lenox Avenue
C, B to 110th Street & Central Park
By Car
From the Bronx: Take the Third Avenue bridge down to Lexington Avenue. Make right at 110th Street and drive down to Lenox Avenue.
From Queens: Take 59th Street Queensborough bridge to FDR Drive North to 96th Street. Make a right turn to Madison Avenue and left on the next light. Make a right to Central Park West and straight to 110th St. Left at 110th St and Central Park West. Lenox Avenue is two lights away.
From Brooklyn: Take the Brooklyn bridge to the FDR Drive North to 96th St. Follow the direction above.
Parking is Not Available At Lasker Skating Rink. [3]

See also