Lee Turkey Farm
- Address
- 201 Hickory Corner Rd.
- East Windsor, NJ 08520
- Phone
- 609-448-0629
- Area
- Neighborhood
- Central Jersey
- Web Page
- http://www.leeturkeyfarm.com/
Semi-useful stuff
Mikomos rating
Depending on the season you can pick your own fruit and vegetables.
- This is a good place to go, because you can talk in the car on the way there and there is plenty of room where you can talk.
Lee Turkey Farm is located in East Windsor, just 2.5 miles South-West of Hightstown and is so easy to find!
From the North: Take the New Jersey Turnpike South to Exit 8A (Jamesburg). Route 32 West for 2 miles to Rt. 130. Go South on Rt. 130 for 7 miles. Look for Haldeman Ford Car Dealership on right. Turn right onto Hickory Corner Road. Go 1 mile and our farm is on the left. *Also see from the East directions for alternate rout from Turnpike exit 8. (Travel time from New York City is about 1 hour 15 minutes. - 45 miles)
From the South: Take the New Jersey Turnpike or Routes 206 or 295 to Bordentown. Travel Rt. 130 North for about 12 miles. At the second traffic light following Rt. 33 split "to the shore points" make left onto Hickory Corner Road. Go 1 mile and our farm is on the left. *Also see From the East directions for alternate rout from Turnpike exit 8. (Travel time from Philadelphia is about 1 hour 10 minutes. - 45 miles)
From the East or New Jersey Turnpike exit 8 (Hightstown): Take Rt. 33 West into Hightstown. Make left at "T" and continue out of town for 1.5 miles. Watch for a Home Depot store on your left. At the traffic light in front of Home Depot turn right onto Hickory Corner Road. Cross over Rt. 130 and continue for 1 mile. Our farm is on the left. (Travel time from Freehold is about 20 minutes. - 15 miles)
From the West: Take Rt. 535 North to Rt. 571 East to Rt. 130 South. Take Rt. 130 to second traffic light. Make right onto Hickory Corner Road. Go 1 mile and our farm is on the left. (Travel time from Trenton is about 20 minutes. - 16 miles)