Living Torah Museum

From Mikomos Wiki
Living Torah Museum
1601 41st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11218 
Boro Park
$10 pp
Web Page

Type of Makom

Museums Type
History museum

Semi-useful stuff

Mikomos rating

(0 votes)


This is an amazing museum that has real artifacts from the times of the Avos up till the time of the Churban Bayis Shayni. The artifacts are real and for some odd reason the proprietor of the museum lets you touch and hold the objects some of which are worth upwards of 1.5 million dollars (e.g. The oldest menorah in existence, carbon dated to 60 years from the actual chanukkah miracle). The tour lasts 1 hour and you can continue on for a 2nd tour of Animals of The Torah at an additional cost.


  • You need to call to schedule an appointment to get in.
  • Make sure that when you schedule an appointment that there will actually be a tour, one person has reported going there and sitting down in the room with a DVD instead of the Tour Guide staying with them and giving them the hour tour.
  • If you want the tour to be given by R' Shaul Shimon Deutsh(the mastermind behind the museum) then call to find out at what time he will be there.


1601 41st street. Brooklyn, NY 11218. Phone: 1.877.Plan.A.Tour By Train: Take the F train to Ditmas Ave or 18th Ave., walk a few blocks to the Museum, we are located on the corner

of 16th Ave. and 41st. street.