Magiquest in Northern Jersey
- Web Page
- Type of Chain
- Entertainment
MagiQuest is an interactive live-action, role playing game where players embark on quests and adventures in an enchanted fantasy world using real magic wands to solve the mysteries of the game.
It's basically a "magic" scavenger hunt. There is a castle, forests, etc. You get clues to locate certain objects and "acquire" them by waving your wand at them. The computer remembers what you have found and when you finish the "task" you can move on the next one.
One user spent two hours there doing the challenges and there was still plenty more to do. It is NOT always easy, but the staff are friendly and available to help if you can't figure it out.
It costs $14.95 for the day, and $2 for wand rental.
Here is more from their website:
"You decide… With wand in hand, you will enter the enchanted kingdom. What will you do first, Magi? Befriend a Pixie, learn from an ancient wizard, battle a goblin or outwit a dragon?
Your journey's direction is in your hands, literally… Your wand is how you play and control your game. It knows your character and remembers your achievements. Each visit to the MagiQuest kingdom will allow you to progress further and master the skills needed to solve the mysteries of the game. Once your adventure concludes, your wand will come home with you. No need to experience everything in one day - as if you could. You can play at any of our 16 locations throughout North America. We await your arrival, Magi."
- Though it's not a huge area, they make you do a lot of walking back and forth to find all the various hidden items.
- DO NOT pay for both of you. All you need is ONE wand and entrance fee and they let you share and work together. You can take turns waving the wand.
- Do the $14.95 for the day instead of $9.95 for one hour. You'll want to do more and it's only five bucks.
- Address
- 182 State Route 10
- East Hanover, NJ 07936
- Phone
- (973) 428-1166
- Area
- Neighborhood
- North Jersey
- Price
- About $18
- Web Page
Type of Makom
- Games Type
- Games
Semi-useful stuff
Mikomos rating
Right next door is Funplex, a standard arcade type place. The next mall over has a Ramada with places to sit and shmuess.
- High heels are definitely not appropriate for this.
- There are two parts to the game: First you do "Quests", then, when you have done the Quests, you are eligible to do "Adventures". The adventures are much more fun than the quests, and you should not give up before getting to them.