
From Mikomos Wiki



2) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/monsey-kosher-chef-productions-shidduch-and-shadchan-massive-casual-pasta-and-salad-buffet-registration-20450583245?ref=enivtefor001&invite=OTA3Mjg1Ni9wZ29vZG5pY2tAYW9sLmNvbS8w&utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=inviteformalv2&utm_term=eventimage&ref=enivtefor001

3) http://www.eventbrite.com/e/kosher-chef-productions-inspiring-shabbos-and-melave-malka-for-singles-and-shadchanim-in-queens-ny-registration-20410234561 Kosher Chef Productions Event Planning presents:

A very special inspiring Shabbos & Weekend for Singles and Shadchanim in Queens Friday, Feb. 5, 1pm-Motzaei Shabbos, Feb. 6, 11:30pm. Parsha Mishpatim We will be raising money for an awesome Tomchei Shabbos! Register for Shidduch and Shadchan Events on https://ShidduchAndShadchan.EventBrite.com. $140 early online inspiring weekend registration. $180 full price inspiring Shabbos registration. $36 early online inspiring Melave Malka registration. $48 full price inspiring Melave Malka registration. $56 at the Melave Malka https://ShidduchAndShadchan.EventBrite.com You can also register by phone by calling 845-397-7271. Kosher Chef Productions offers event planning, chefs for hire, professional teaching for all ages as well as catering, waitering and many other services. Please call them for your next events 845-397-7271 KosherChefProductions@Gmail.com

      Important information about Shidduch and Shadchan Events:

•Events are for ALL Yeshivish Orthodox and Modern Orthodox Singles ages 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and up! •Separate groups for different age groups! •Bochurim and girls from very high level Yeshivos are encouraged to attend! •Meet great Shadchanim & great singles. Come dressed well to get great dates! •We aim for a high ratio of experienced Shadchanim at our events. •We have different Shadchanim and different people at every event! •People get dates from these events! Come to several events!

Bring at least 6 printed copies of your complete Shidduch profile, along with photos and references to our events.

A FREE massive catered Kosher Chef Productions casual buffet is often included for Shidduch and Shadchan Event registrants!

Shidduch & Shadchan events feature professionally trained chefs & bakers.

Kosher Chef Productions Events - 845-397-7271.

See also

  • Our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • Our RAQ (Rarely Asked Questions)