Ontario Science Centre

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Ontario Science Centre

Ontario Science Centre (249019835).jpg

770 Don Mills Road
Toronto, ON M3C 1T3 Canada
Web Page

Type of Makom

Museums Type
Science museum

Semi-useful stuff

Mikomos rating

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Ontario Science Centre (OSC) is a science museum in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, near the Don Valley Parkway about 11 km northeast of downtown on Don Mills Road just south of Eglinton Avenue East. It is built down the side of a wooded ravine formed by one branch of the Don River.

The Centre has several hundred interactive and passive exhibits throughout the buildings. They feature everything in science and nature. They feature geology, the science of nature (in the west wing), astronomical science, how to play music and technology in the south wing, human anatomy, communication and bias, and some miscellaneous artifacts of science. The astronomical wing, which was closed for renovation since Pluto's demotion in August 2006, has now been refurbished and reopened to the public, featuring Toronto's only operating planetarium, as well as one of the few Moon rocks on public display in the Canada.

The OSC has a main area just in from the entranceway that is often used to demonstrate travelling shows, which sometimes spill out into the adjacent outdoor areas. Special shows in recent years have included:

  • a computer art exhibit
  • the science of sport
  • a history of technology in China
  • Gunther von Hagens' Body Worlds 2: The Anatomical Exhibition of Real Human Bodies
  • a Marvel Comics exhibition
  • an exhibit about the Titanic [1]


Consider joining as a member- I think it pays for itself by the second visit, and you get 50% off parking ($5 off). (Caution: If you opt for a dual membership, you each get a card with yours and your partner's" name on it) Also, you can bring food with you and eat it in one of the various lunch rooms onsite that are designed for schools. This is especially handy if you want to eat together but dont want to be seen in public yet.

Hours Subject to change. Always verify.

Open 364 days a year, seven days a week: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.