Oyster Point Hotel

From Mikomos Wiki
Oyster Point Hotel

OYSTER POINT hotel-9487.jpg

146 Bodman Pl
Red Bank, NJ 07701 
(732) 530-8200
Central Jersey
Web Page

Semi-useful stuff

Mikomos rating

(9 votes)


A somewhat nice, quiet place.

There is a small lounge immediately to the left with uncomfortable chairs and dim lighting. Right next to the lounge is a small little bar/restaurant. The drinks are inexpensive, but there is a $25 cover charge. Also, straight ahead from the entrance is a more comfortable and private room with leather couches, and the cover charge may possibly be avoided. Parking is right in front of the hotel, but there may be valet parking during certain hours and events.


  • There's not too much space to sit.
  • The staff is not so friendly or servicing.
  • There is more seating to the right of the bar which is on a covered deck, overlooking the water.
  • Was not charged a cover fee-July 2017
  • There is a small boardwalk with benches right outside.

See also