Palmyra Cove Nature Park

From Mikomos Wiki
Palmyra Cove Nature Park
1335 Rte 73
Palmyra, NJ 08065 
(856) 829-1900
Web Page

Type of Makom

Parks Type

Semi-useful stuff

Mikomos rating

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The Park has an extensive trail system which begins at the environmental education center and wanders by the ecologically sensitive tidal marsh - a prime bird watching area. It then continues along the Delaware River before going back to the center. As a visitor, you will be impressed by the colorful flora and fauna. With some guidance, you can learn about the importance of the wetlands ecosystem and a variety of other habitats. The Park is large enough, and covered with enough vegetation, that a visit feels like a walk in the country, far from the traffic and congestion of nearby residential and commercial areas. The trails, threaded throughout the Park, make it a pleasant place for walking,


  • Nice place for a light hike
  • If you are going to go on a trail make sure to warn her before
  • Consult your Rav about possible yichud shailos on a trail


From New Jersey Via Route 73

Option 1: Travel on Route 73 north towards the Tacony-Palmyra Bridge. Take the jughandle at FC Kerbeck; cross over Route 73; on the right ( wooden gates ) enter Park Drive to the Palmyra Cove Nature Park Environmental Discovery Center parking lot.

Option 2: Travel on Route 73 north towards the Tacony-Palmyra Bridge. Make a right at the last light before the bridge at Souder Street ( Gulf Gas Station/Dunkin Donuts ); follow to the stop sign ( Temple Boulevard ), make a left; just before the Toll Plaza, make a right into the driveway, follow the roadway behind the Toll Building and under the bridge, the Palmyra Cove Nature Park ( Environmental Discovery Center ) is just thru the wooden gates under the bridge .

From Philadelphia Via Tacony Palmyra Bridge

Option 1: Keep left as you pass the Bridge Toll Plaza and take the left hand turn lane. Make the left on to Souder Street; follow to the stop sign ( Temple Boulevard ), make a left; just before the Toll Plaza, make a right into the driveway, follow the roadway behind the Toll Building and under the bridge, the Palmyra Cove Nature Park ( Environmental Discovery Center ) is just thru the wooden gates under the bridge.

Option 2: Continue on 73 South after crossing the bridge. Make a right turn about ¼ mile after the bridge (entrance to the flea market and park). Enter wooden gates on your right onto Park Drive; follow Park Drive to the parking area.