Pier Village Boardwalk and Promenade

From Mikomos Wiki
Pier Village Boardwalk and Promenade
1 Chelsea Ave
Long Branch, NJ 07740 
(732) 923-0100
Central Jersey
Web Page

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A nice boardwalk along the coast of Long Branch, Pier Village is relatively new and well kept. There are stores located in the center area, however most of them are non-kosher restaurants, and not too many to browse. A large portion of the southern boardwalk has been destroyed in Sandy, and it doesn't seem like it will be fixed in the near future. This isn't much of a problem, as there is still plenty of boardwalk to walk comfortably. Like any other beach boardwalk, tznius issues can be a problem during certain times of year and certain hours of the day.

You can combine an outing to Pier Village with Ocean Place or any of the local Deal and Long Branch restaurants.


  • Parking costs $2 an hour in the main parking lot