Ritz-Carlton New York, Battery Park

From Mikomos Wiki
Ritz-Carlton New York, Battery Park

Ritz Carlton Hotel Battery Park (3435247781).jpg

Two West Street
New York, NY 10004 
(212) 344-0800
Battery Park City
Web Page

Semi-useful stuff

Mikomos rating

(27 votes)


Located in Battery Park the Wagner Hotel offers Manhattan style without the mid-town bustle. The hotel offers 2 places to sit, both relatively small. On the first floor there is a bar with a small lounge to the side. It's quiet, but beware of the glare from oncoming traffic coming through the only slightly tinted windows.

The skybar is closed.


  • The staff is extremely friendly and will ask if you would like to join for dinner or just drinks.
  • There are plenty of different areas to sit, with many different seating arrangements. However, it can get crowded to the point that there are no more seats.
  • Drinks can be a bit costly. Over $10 for a glass of water (from a bottle) for two.
  • Parking here can be a problem. You will likely need to use a semi-costly garage. This is usually $20-$30 and it's about three blocks away.
  • Valet Parking is $45, and they said it would take 15-20 min to get car. There's a nice park directly behind the hotel (across the street). overlooking the statue of liberty, which is a nice way to spend 15-20 min (or more).
  • If you give the valet attendant $20 he may let you leave your car right in front of the hotel.
  • As of 5-2-18 the Hotel has been renamed The Wagner. Supposedly everything else remains the same.

Hours Subject to change. Always verify.

Closed for renovations until NOVEMBER 2021.

External links