Shell Lanes

From Mikomos Wiki
Shell Lanes
1 Bouck Court
Brooklyn, NY 11223 
(718) 336-6700
Southern Brooklyn
Web Page

Type of Makom

Games Type

Semi-useful stuff

Mikomos rating

(0 votes)

Hours Subject to change. Always verify.

Prices Effective Feb 2014

Open Bowling - When Available

Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm $3.75 per Game

Mon - Thurs 5pm - Midnight $5.50 per Game

FRI 5pm til Closing $5 per Game

SAT 6pm - Closing $6 per Game

SAT 9am - 6pm $3.50 per game - Starting June 1at Price will be $4 per game

SUN 9am - 5pm $3.50 per game - Starting June 1at Price will be $4 per game

SUN 5pm - Closing $5.50

MON - FRI 9am - 5pm $3.75 per Game

Current Specials

Specials starting

Mondays $5 per person for 2hrs of bowling from 3:30pm - 5:30pm & 10pm - Midnight Tuesday 9:30pm - Midnight $3.50 per game

    • NEW WEDNESDAYS $5 per person for 2hrs of bowling from 4pm - 6pm SPACE LIMITED

Thursdays $5 per person for 2hrs of bowling from 9:45pm - 11:45pm Sunday $5 per person for 2hrs of bowling from 9:30pm - 11:30pm Fri Night $10 for 2hrs of bowling 10pm - 12mid

Every Saturday and Sunday 9am - 12 Noon - (3hrs of Bowling good until 12noon) for $18

      • Shoe rental not included special pricings
      • all Saturday and Sunday 9am - 12noon specials will end promptly at 12 noon.
      • Any lanes that start after 9am time will only be valid until 12noon during SAT/SUN special.


(Westbound) : Belt Parkway West to Exit 7A (Shell Road) Make right on to West 3rd st. Go straight for 2 1/2 blocks (past Ave Y)

Make 1st left on Bouck Court (between Ave X & Y)