Steamtown National Historic Site

From Mikomos Wiki
Steamtown National Historic Site
4 Lackawanna Ave
Scranton, PA 18503 
(888) 693-9391
Web Page

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Steam locomotives excite the senses and Steamtown keeps their stories alive! Feel the heat from the firebox. Hear the bell and whistle. Smell the hot steam and oil. Feel the ground vibrate under your feet. See the one ton drive rods turn the wheels. Hear the chuff-chuff of the smokestack. Today, you can relive the era of steam as the engines come back to life. The cinders and grease, the oil and steam, the people and stories of railroading have returned.

Hours Subject to change. Always verify.

The park is open daily except Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Years Day. The park is closed on those days, and may close early on the day before each of these holidays.

Park Regular hours: 9 am - 5 pm Park Winter hours: 10 am - 4 pm 2014 Winter Hours: January 6 - March 28

The Park's museums and grounds, including outdoor exhibit areas, parking lot and the connecting walkway* to the Mall at Steamtown, close promptly at 5:00 pm (4:00 pm Winter). Note that park passes may only be purchased 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (10:00 am - 3:00 pm Winter). Also, during severe weather events, the Park may delay opening, close early or close entirely. Park closing and/or delayed opening notices are available by phoning (570) 340-5200 after 7 am; they may not be posted online. Early close notices are available at the above number and online when announced by Park management. Please be sure to plan accordingly.