Stew Leonard's

From Mikomos Wiki
Stew Leonard's
1 Stew Leonard Drive
Yonkers, NY 10710 
(914) 375-4700
Web Page

Type of Makom

Other Type

Semi-useful stuff

Mikomos rating

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This is a grocery store like no other. There are singing stuffed animals, winding aisles, and creative decorations. Sometimes you can watch the bakery in action. Everyone who works there is really nice.

It's an interesting change of scenery. You can walk through the store, enjoy the store's interactive aspect, and read all the hanging fun facts. Then you can buy some snacks and eat them upstairs at the tables (if they're available). It's a fun place.

Sorry, but I would like to correct the information above. I just went to Stew Leonard's last night and it was a real dud. In English, that means that it was totally over-rated. The singing stuffed animals consists of 3 or 4 little stuffed creatures on a pole which laugh if you push a button. Nothing noteworthy there. The winding aisles just means that instead of sharp right angles, the corners curve instead. The sitting area upstairs is only for birthday parties. Yes, the staff is really nice, and yes the store is cute in a country-ish sorta way, but overall, it's just a grocery store. Completely overrated.


  • Get some ice cream or drinks to eat upstairs.
  • You can also spice things up with a game of I Spy... Or you can make mini scavenger hunts/Bingo games for each other. There's a lot to look at and find. (Bring paper and pencil just in case.)
  • Read more about them:'s
  • Enjoy.

Hours Subject to change. Always verify.

8 am - 10 pm


It's off the NYS TRWY. Directions are on their website.