User talk:Jws

From Mikomos Wiki


Are you able to paste that article you said you wrote a while back that can help with shidduchim? -- Syjew 21:34, July 12, 2011 (EDT)

Yeah, shouldn't be a problem. I just have to dredge it from all my articles. - JWS

I found my article, Feel free to link back to it, or post it on Mikomos with appropriate linkage back to my blog. -- JWS 22:12, August 7, 2011 (EDT)

editing help

Check out to see some of the fix-ups that i did for your contributions.
You're adding great content, however there are small formatting and style issues that take a little time to get used to,
like adding a little star before each tip and other small issues. Thanks -- Syjew 21:48, July 12, 2011 (EDT)

Thanks for the hat tips on editing. Mikomos isn't exactly user friendly. At least I finally got the advertisement and the google analytics under control. JWS 22:03, July 12, 2011 (EDT)

I actually would like to properly build a graphic user interface that ties into the wiki database, but that'll take some convincing to get done. JWS 22:04, July 12, 2011 (EDT)

I'm not exactly sure of what you're thinking of implementing, but I'm sure if you're able to help,
Tosfos will be happy to hear. -- Syjew 22:11, July 12, 2011 (EDT)