User talk:Tosfos

From Mikomos Wiki

You can leave me messages here. I will get them. I will probably respond at some point. I think.

Add me to Uploaders please

please add me to the approved uploaders, so i can put THIS picture: into the 16handles article. thanks! YeaRight228 16:35, August 18, 2011 (EDT)

Unfortunately, as we've discussed, Mikomos can not use copyrighted images, only those under a free license such as GDL or CC. We have no legal staff nor budget for one. :) --Tosfos 22:11, August 20, 2011 (EDT)

I know someone in the 16handles marketing department. Want me to get an official picture? or approval for any of their photos?- JWS 20:58, October 5, 2011 (EDT)

Ok. We need permission in writing though. --Tosfos 14:56, October 10, 2011 (EDT)

Thank you

Thanks for the uploading pictures ability, i hope to add some pics soon..

SYJew 15:18, May 25, 2011 (EDT)

High Line Elevated Park

New makom. picture: **** (note: Trains do NOT run on this line. It is decommissioned ;) Thanks! --YeaRight228 21:52, July 5, 2010 (EDT)

Edit: I photoshopped it a bit, it should be good now: --YeaRight228 23:25, July 5, 2010 (EDT)

Done. --Tosfos 21:48, July 6, 2010 (EDT)

Federal Reserve

New makom. please add the following two images: and Makom: thanks. YeaRight228 16:21, April 20, 2010 (EDT)

This should do it: - i believe that is properly licensed. Thanks! YeaRight228 21:50, April 20, 2010 (EDT)

Hope so! Done. --Tosfos 22:30, April 20, 2010 (EDT)


How about adding Rockland county?

I assume that you mean adding Rockland county as a neighborhood in New York. That's probably a good idea, along with dividing New Jersey. One of these days... --Tosfos 20:25, April 16, 2008 (EDT)

check this out

Good find, Cdo. It's a good resource. Maybe I'll put a link somewhere. Any suggestions? Tosfos 21:44, 2 December 2007 (EST)

Now can I have my star?

The Burtoluccis was mine.

Link for museums

How about on the Museum homepage?

Mandarin Oriental

Assume it goes after the website. I initially saw the website but was confused about the hours for the lounge vs. the restaurant, and looked elsewhere. I assume you can rely on the Mandarin's information to be correct.


Have Fun sorting everything out! (There was probably a better way to do this, but I haven't come up with it and at least its up now)


I just added over 10 activities. Why has the count stopped?

Hit refresh. I'm showing 218 Tosfos 07:06, 11 December 2007 (EST)

Good but not comprehensive list of cruises

I'll put it on the Activities page. Tosfos 23:38, 11 December 2007 (EST)

Link outdated

The link to Kehillath Jeshurun's Manhattan Kosher Establishments list is incorrect. it should be:

Corrected. I won't be offended if you change this kind of stuff without asking. --Tosfos 14:35, 12 December 2007 (EST)
I wasn't sure how. Yeah, I know, I should check the editing help. Next time.

Apple picking?

Is there a problem of tznius?

I imagine it's OK though I've never done it myself. If you're concerned, put something in the tips section. --Tosfos 14:35, 19 December 2007 (EST)

Changing categories

How do you move the entry "Staten Island Zoo" from "Activities" to "Museums?"

Not easily. I can do it. But I'm not sure which category is better. I added an activity type called zoo. I agree that a zoo is more like a museum than an activity but people don't necessarily think like that for some reason. Any thoughts? --Tosfos 23:55, 19 December 2007 (EST)


BTW: Great job on the website.


Okay, I know that that I majored in finance, and I know that you love me for my additions, but if I have to answer one more question, then I'm not adding any more places.

You mean it's asking you even if you're logged in? It shouldn't do that. --Tosfos 22:51, January 5, 2008 (EST)
Ah, you're right. I got mixed up between true and false (happens all the time). It's been fixed I hope. --Tosfos 22:57, January 5, 2008 (EST)
No wonder you did so poorly on all those tests...

Another Good Job

I like the multiple category addition. I should start giving you barnstars.


I strongly feel there should be a general suggestion page for tips. Granted it will require major oversight because the potential, uh, hazards can be much greater. Again, see the heading.

I've thought of that. I'd be open to tips directly related to mikomos and not general dating tips. For example, how to choose a place and when, etc. It should stick to things most people would agree with and avoid giving opinions as facts. If you want to do it, you're on. --Tosfos 13:54, January 10, 2008 (EST)
I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but I think we're on the same page. Something like "Malls tend to close earlier on Sunday's" and "It might be better to go to a fleishig restaurant if you are going just for dessert in case someone is fleishig." Something like that?
Exactly. You can leave them here for now... --Tosfos 13:36, January 20, 2008 (EST)


One word on the type of shidduch-oriented links you posted; why?

I'm not sure what the question is Tosfos 14:05, February 11, 2008 (EST)

This is what I mean (FInding a Shidduch) - --Cdo 14:24, March 14, 2008 (EDT)

Links should open up in a new window

I would prefer if outside links opened up in a new tab/window. What do you think?

I hear ya. There are of course ways to do this in most browsers, either by shift clicking or middle button clicking. There is a (of course complicated) way to do this in Mediawiki automatically. But I'm not convinced of the idea. I can put it as a question on the front page and see if anyone feels strongly about it. I personally prefer sites that don't open links in a new window and am an experienced middle-clicker. Any thoughts? --Tosfos 22:22, March 13, 2008 (EDT)
Behold! I have no opinion. Why am I writing anything? -- 22:25, March 13, 2008 (EDT)
New windows can be annoying unless they open up in tabs--Cdo 14:14, March 14, 2008 (EDT)


Remind me again, where do I add in specific starbucks locations to?

I'm in the process of upgrading that. For now, the best way is to add a page called Starbucks in Someplace. When the new method is ready I'll update it. --Tosfos 01:14, March 16, 2008 (EDT)


  1. 400! --Cdo 23:31, March 30, 2008 (EDT)


If so, a good website to link, possibly, with a note that it has rather liberal standards of "kosher."

It's a well done website I use personally. I plan to integrate it when we get the new makom form and template off the ground... --Tosfos 23:53, June 2, 2008 (EDT)
never mind. I should really look before I speak. It's how I found out about La Creperie closing. Still, the hashgachos that it classifies as "kosher" are quite broad.
Is it closed? --Tosfos 07:12, June 3, 2008 (EDT)
Well, that's what Kosher-ny says, and the website is down. Hence my asking if the website is reliable enough to report definitive information.

Recent Additions

You're really starting to draw proprietors to add their businesses now (Kosher Bite, Color Me Mine). I wonder if that's a good thing...

I think so. We clean it up afterwards --Tosfos 21:35, June 12, 2008 (EDT)

A few issues

  1. There seems to be an issue with some mikomos not showing up in the state that they're located in. For example, when I click New York in the tab on the side, a restaurant may not be listed, but if I go to "Restaurants" it will be there.
  2. You are probably aware that "NY" doesn't exist anymore in the "Browse by States" box on the main page.
  3. Manhattan no longer exists in the "Browse by neighborhood" box on the NY page.
  4. When browsing by neighborhood, it no longer says "USA>NY>Neighborhood".
I was not aware of any of these issues. As to 1, can you provide an example? For 2 and 3 and 4, it should be there. I'll have to see why it's not. These all may actually be the same issue... Tosfos 15:40, August 15, 2008 (EDT)
These should all be solved. Thanks for the heads up. --Tosfos 15:46, August 15, 2008 (EDT)

1 seems to be fixed now too, thanks.

Browsing by neighborhood don't work anymore. Try it. —Preceding comment added by (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the heads up. It was indeed not working; we're working on a new skin you should be hearing about soon. It should work now. Let me know. --Tosfos 20:20, October 16, 2008 (EDT)

Adding a picture

I added a makom but it will not let me upload a picture. Can you help me with that please? Thank you

Sure. Post a link to it here or email it to webmaster (at) Be sure that either you own the picture or it is licensed under Creative Commons or GFDL. --Tosfos 14:41, August 31, 2008 (EDT)


The Cinnabon in Hackensack is actually a Carvel/Cinnabon, so perhaps the name should be changed. (Or maybe carvel should be added as a new makom??) --Zuma

I changed the name. Thanks. --Tosfos 14:20, September 5, 2008 (EDT)

Adding states

Great site. I just added a location in Massachusetts, how can we get the sidebar to start listing massachusetts as a location? I think more ppl will add then too.

We usually like to have more than one makom in a state before adding it to the sidebar. Examples: DE & NV. I will give this consideration though based on your say so. Thanks for the addition! --Tosfos 14:27, February 8, 2009 (EST)
It has been added to the main page, though not the sidebar. --Tosfos 08:36, February 23, 2009 (EST)

Map icons

Hey - What happened to the icons on the maps?

Excellent question. --Tosfos 22:51, February 28, 2009 (EST)
Oh man, those were really really helpful too. I hope they come back. Eeks!
The link to google maps on the home page doesnt work either.
Grrr. Thanks for the report. --Tosfos 22:06, April 5, 2009 (EDT)


We used to be able to tell if a page had something in the discussion section. (I think it was either gray or a different color). I think that was a good feature, which is no longer available. Additionally, I feel the discussion section is important and it should be hyped up more. I assume that many people don't even know about it. Maybe the link should be bigger, or in a different place, not together with the other edit, history, etc. that people don't look at. Thanks

Yeah. I've been thinking about this. Thanks for the reminder! --Tosfos 19:53, May 7, 2009 (EDT)

Restaurant options

It would be a nice idea to have Thai and Indian as options as well as an "other" option Also, please add Indian to Madras Pavilion in addition to vegetarian

Are Russian and Spanish necessary?

Done. (mostly) --Tosfos 21:21, February 1, 2011 (EST)

please change spelling error is geylord texan

please change spelling error is geylord texan to gaylord texan, with an A instead of an E

done. --Tosfos 21:21, February 1, 2011 (EST)

You're welcome...

Thanks for this site it really works well for me, I would love to see it get even better..
Btw I am the same as the other account judahbergman but i see that people prefer to stay anonymous here, and so do I.
Oh, and sysop priveleges, what does it take to get that? ;) -- Syjew 00:45, June 16, 2011 (EDT)

We'll see... :) --Tosfos 15:21, June 17, 2011 (EDT)

I would also like to request a new feature. When i click on a state it brings up all the mikomos categories- starting with activities and ending at restaurants.
I would like those category names to be clickable which leads to a new page with a map of all the mikomos in that category. That way,
the map won't be so cluttered when i look a mokom using the state or city as filters. For example, if i would like to see all the restaurants in manhattan on a map, i would click NY, then Manhattan and go down to the the restaurants
category, click the word restaurants, and get all the restaurants in manhattan on one map without all the clutter of the mikomos. Thanks -- Syjew 00:57, June 16, 2011 (EDT)

If I had time I would redo the entire site navigation to be more in tune with your idea. But... --Tosfos 15:21, June 17, 2011 (EDT)

Hey Tosfos

I've never seen so many edits in one day, especially all done by one person. I always figured that you're more the administrative type of guy. Really good work! -- Syjew 18:50, July 17, 2011 (EDT)

Thank you. I've actually made quite a few edits over the last few years. :) I am preparing the site for a minor overhaul this summer. --Tosfos 22:25, July 17, 2011 (EDT)

Recent changes tracking

What do you use to track recent changes -aside from checking the recent changes page, of course- I use google reader, but its a bit buggy, for example it repeats recent changes many times, takes a longtime until it shows up on the Reader...Do you use anything Tosfos? Syjew 15:49, February 26, 2012 (EST)

I also use Reader. It hasn't given me trouble. --Tosfos 19:47, February 26, 2012 (EST)

Star Ratings

What ever happened to the star ratings?

Was it completely unused?

Or I am mistaken and there was never ratings in the first place? ----Syjew 05:14, January 29, 2013 (EST)

They were underutilized. The plan is to replace it with a full review function sometime. --Tosfos 17:10, January 29, 2013 (EST)

Add Photos

Photo of JW Marriott Marquis Miami to add:

Photos of Oheka Castle to add:

Thanks! 20:01, May 21, 2013 (EDT)

Thanks! Done. --Tosfos 00:56, May 23, 2013 (EDT)

Adding Mikomos is broken now

Adding mikomos is now broken, possibly due to recent changes. Also, on the "advanced" editing page, checkboxes were replaced with form boxes. ----Syjew (talk) 00:47, July 12, 2013 (EDT)

I just did a major update on the backend which gave me lots of trouble. I will make the wiki read only while I try and fix it, which may take a few days. Thanks for the report! --Tosfos (talk) 13:31, July 12, 2013 (EDT)

Formatting Error

Every makom now has the makom category written at the beginning of the makom article. Check any makom to see what I'm referring to. ----Syjew (talk) 11:06, February 6, 2014 (EST)

Thanks for the bug report. Shubegunow. --Tosfos (talk) 12:55, February 6, 2014 (EST)
I found Mikomos:Print_Activities hanging out in Location:NY. There's also one for every category, but only in NY.
Thanks. Shubegunow. --Tosfos (talk) 19:01, March 4, 2014 (EST)


I'm curious what kind of traffic the site sees these days. Is it well used? Was there once a period of higher traffic?

End of an era

Thank you Tosfos, for your contributions to the frum world!


Before the site gets officially shut down, what are some of the other kosher dating directories? --Zapzap and are 2 good options --Syjew (talk) 01:29, March 9, 2021 (EST)
We may have someone who can host the site, at least temporarily :). Stay tuned! --Tosfos (talk) 09:25, March 9, 2021 (EST)

Contact page Down

The contact page is down. Is there any way for me to contact you guys?